My #1 Exercise Tip: Get a Workout Buddy!

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My #1 Exercise Tip: Get a Workout Buddy!

The following is a guest blog post by Lara Sebastian, professional dancer and fitness junkie.

Fitness has always been a huge part of my life. Ever since I was young I have been involved in some type of group activity from gymnastics to yoga, ballet to rock climbing, you name it, I have done it! I feel that being a part of a team, class or organized group is the best way to enjoy exercise because you can help to motivate each other and there is always an opportunity to make a new friend!

If you are social like me and are looking for motivation to get your exercise program in gear, I highly encourage you to exercise with a partner. This could be your boy/girlfriend, sister, mother, friend, co-worker… anyone who shares the common interest in health and well-being. I do best when I have someone to push me (especially on days when I don’t have self-motivation). Healthy competition between friends is great and will give you more incentive!


Lara as a teenager with Source Dance Company under the direction of Joanne Pesusich. 2008


Lara as a professional dancer performing in the music video “Automatic” by Danny Fernandes. 2010






Lara Sebastian is a Canadian professional dancer and fitness junkie. She loves health and exercise – be it in the form of swimming, cycling, hiking or dancing. She also believes diet is a lifestyle, not a fad and she loves spreading her love and knowledge to her followers and friends!

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