Diet Boot Camp Challenge I Winner

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Diet Boot Camp Challenge I Winner

It’s time to announce the winner of the first ever Diet Boot Camp Challenge, and the winner is…

Pamela S.!

Pamela has been consistent about posting, has supported her fellow Diet Boot Campers and inspired others, and she herself has had admirable results. Here’s what she wrote after week eight:

I lost 8 pounds, four inches off my waist from 39 to 35 and my hips are now 43″. I feel like I’m 20 years old. I have so much energy and joy. I’ve found exercise that makes me happy and hope to keep moving on to the life of my dreams.”

Well, it doesn’t get much better than that!

My greatest hope for the Diet Boot Camp Challenge was that it would bring people together. True, the main reason most people got involved was to lose weight, but many- like Pamela- have written that they’ve learned lessons and found inspiration that goes well beyond anything that can be measured on the scale.

Take Christopher Loch, who wrote “Now I know I just need to make smaller goals that are more attainable and as I reach them, reset the bar a little higher”.

He also wrote: “My Word can be Law in the Universe (just like God’s). This kind of integrity goes above and beyond the weight loss applications and extends into all other areas of my life.

Congratulations to Pamela as well as to Christopher, and to every single one of you who participated and were up to the challenge of examining old (and disempowering) beliefs about food, weight and life.

You are all winners in my book… but Pamela wins all of this:

The Jonny Bowden Collection of Books
The Jonny Bowden Collection

  • 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy
  • The Healthiest Meals of Earth
  • The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
  • The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth
Weight Loss Coach
eBookWeight Loss Coach Handbook

This fantastic e-book contains dozens of Jonny’s most popular articles on motivation, stress, supplements, food and love, alcohol, diets, finding the best workouts and many other interesting and exciting topics. A real treat! Over 220 pages.


The Truth About Weight
DVDThe Truth About Weight Loss DVD

So much of what people think they know about weight loss simply isn’t true. This DVD is the video recording of Jonny’s sold-out presentation “The Truth About Weight Loss” at Harv Eker’s Extreme Health seminar.

Healthiest Foods Starter Pack by Vital ChoiceHealthy Foods Starter Kit

  • 3 cans of Wild Red Sockeye Salmon
  • 3 cans of Albacore Tuna
  • Wild Salmon Sampler
    (6 fillets)
  • Organic Salmon Marinade Mix
  • Organic Berry Sampler (3lbs)
Mega Omega Gift Pack
by BarleansMega Omega Gfit Pack

    • Strawberry Banana Flax Oil (16oz)
    • Lemon Zest Fish Oil (16oz)
    • Forti-Flax (16oz)



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