Fruits & Vegetables In A Drink

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Fruits & Vegetables In A Drink

Everyone knows Oprah’s favorite doctor– Mehmet Oz. He and many other high-energy health-minded people I know are huge fans of green drinks. How do I know?

I spent an hour with him last year while promoting The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth.

As I sat in his studio while he interviewed me for his radio show, I couldn’t help noticing he was sipping from a large container that contained a liquid looking suspiciously like the “green drink” that I start off every single day with — and often drink again later in the day as a boost!

Have you ever head of “Wheatgrass shots?” They’ve been a staple of the high-energy-health food crowd for many years. Loaded with chlorophyll– a natural blood purifier and detoxifier– they contribute to a feeling of well-being and energy. They’re bitter tasting and expensive but thousands of people swear by it.

Green drinks, however, are quite tasty!

The marketplace has responded to consumers thirsty (forgive the pun) for energizing, alkalizing, detoxifying, immune-enhancing effects of wheatgrass and its relatives in the grass family by producing a whole new class of beverage- green drinks.

“Green drinks
” refer to the entire category of juices from barley, wheatgrass, magma, or any combination of whole green foods, including spinach, broccoli, parsley, and virtually any other healthy green thing that grows.

Green drinks pack an incredible nutritional wallop and usually have amazing phytonutrient and vitamin profiles.

Why is a Green Drink so important?

Seventy-five percent American adults and children do not get the minimum recommended servings of vegetables in their diet.

AND!!!! the PaleoReds still goes to the cart at full price!!!!

Of all the Green Drinks available, my absolute favorite is Barlean’s Greens.

Energizing Barlean’s Greens

  • Alkalizing, energizing and promote health
  • Made exclusively from organic sources
  • Low-calorie and low-glycemic
  • Extracts from spinach, organic barley leaf, wheat juice, oat juice, parsley, sea vegetables, chorella
  • Contains herbs like astragalus and schizandra
  • Contains green tea extract
  • Contains blueberry juice powder, strawberry juice powder, curucmin extract
  • Contains full spectrum digestive enzymes
  • Contains organic flaxmeal
  • High nutrient snack
  • Pick-me-up or breakfast juice
  • Takes the edge off your appetite
  • A great part of your longevity program
  • A stand alone- energy boost, or in combination with solid foods.

Together with a high energy protein snack– like tuna– it will keep you going for hours.

Because green drinks are so low in sugar, they don’t give you the “spike and drop” in energy that commercial fruit juice would give you, so you get a nice sustained “buzz,” not to mention the gratification that comes from knowing you’re doing something so good for yourself.

You’ll feel “lean and hungry” enough to take on the world yet not so hungry that you can’t concentrate.

I sometimes add in a couple of ounces of one of the newer, exotic “designer” juices like—my favorite—Noni juice.

And what would green drinks be without their red counterpart? These colors have incredible meaning – the colors indicate the presence of anthocyanadins and other plant chemicals with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. There’s great wisdom in the old adage “your best foods are the most colorful ones”

PaleoReds – Marvelous Red
Fruit Blend Complements Greens!

Just as Green Drinks are rich in nutrients from vegetables – PaleoReds covers the fruits, especially the red ones, which are a rich source of many valuable anthocyanadins and other phytochemicals.

PaleoReds, is a high quality “red” drink that’s also organic and made from extracts of acai juice, organic cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, carrots, beets, apples and grape skin extracts.

Sweetened with stevia, it contains only 33 calories per tablespoon and mixes incredibly with Barlean’s Greens for a real “top-of-the-morning” boost.

And by the way, after my appearance on Dr. Oz’s show I sent him a carton of Barlean’s Greens as a “thank you”. Now I’m going to send him some PaleoReds!

I want to see you get your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Be sure to check out Barlean’s Greens and PaleoReds today and save 15% on either one or both. Order as many as you like at the discount price!

Save 15% on Barlean’s Greens & PaleoReds!

This sale has ended!

9.3 oz: $41.75 $35.49
18.6 oz: $69.95 $59.46

Original Price: $48
15% Off — $40.80


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