Menopause Seminar by Natural Healer

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Menopause Seminar by Natural Healer

For many women, menopause is a big challenge—for some people, it’s one of the biggest challenges of their adult life.

I’d like to re-introduce you to my friend, Glen Depke, traditional naturopath, and one of the most gifted healers I know. Glen and I occasionally present seminars together, and I have the greatest respect for his knowledge, his compassion and his ability.

Glen’s about to do a one-day seminar on natural treatment for menopause. For those of you in the southern California area, I recommend that you go!

But even if you can’t attend, they’ll be a video of the event, and it’ll be very worth it to own.

If you’re challenged with weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, or any of the other common symptoms of menopause…

  • If you think that those negative symptoms are “natural..
  • If you want to learn how to prevent or overcome these symptoms
  • If you don’t believe you can go through menopause with ease..’
  • If you’re approaching menopause with fear and anxiety..

….here’s your chance earn how to overcome or prevent these challenging symptoms by one of our countries leaders in nutrition, hormones and enzyme therapy.

Click here to find out more, to register for the seminar or to pre-order the video!

You wont want to miss the opportunity to benefit from Glen’s wisdom!


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