Low Levels of DHA linked to cardiovascular disease

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Low Levels of DHA linked to cardiovascular disease

Do you really need any more proof that the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are protective of the heart?

You do? Then I’ve got just the study for you.

Scientists recently examined 25 published studies (1) that investigated the risk for cardiovascular disease, and looked at the relationship between the omega-3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and risk. The results were dramatic. Continue reading

Across the board, subjects who had low levels of DHA were significantly more likely to have coronary heart disease events.

DHA, along with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are the two omega-3 fats found in cold-water fish like salmon. Both are extremely important for human health, but have slightly different (but complementary) effects. A baby’s brain is about 60% fat by weight, most of it DHA, (one reason it’s so important for pregnant women to supplement with omega-3’s).

In my opinion, there are few supplements on earth as protective as fish oil, with its rich concentration of the omega-3’s EPA and DHA. (According to Andrew Stoll, MD, author of “The Omega-3 Connection”, EPA is the omega-3 most responsible for improving mood.) I personally take two tablespoons every day, mixing it in either a green drink or ordinary grapefruit juice.

1) “Tissue n-3 and n-6 fatty acids and risk for coronary heart disease events,” Harris WS, Poston WC, et al, Atherosclerosis, 2007; 193(1): 1-10. (Address: Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD, United States. E-mail: bill.harris@usd.edu)


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