Fall 2010 Diet Boot Camp Challenge Winners!

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Fall 2010 Diet Boot Camp Challenge Winners!

For the first time ever, we have two winners of the Fall Diet Boot Camp Challenge! The judges simply couldn’t decide between these two wonderful ladies, so we declared a tie.

The winners are…

Julie Hill and Phyllis Crowe!

The Diet Boot Camp Challenge isn’t just another “Biggest Loser” competition, which I find to be superficial, something that basically turns personal struggle and growth into entertainment and spectacle. The Diet Boot Camp Challenge is about real transformation, the kind that comes from the inside and manifests itself on the outside.

These women lost weight. But even more importantly, they participated, contributed, supported their fellow Diet Boot Camp members on the community site, and were inspiring to all they came in contact with, both for their weight loss and—more importantly—because of who they were.

“The support comes from so many different directions it’s like being in a cocoon, where you are encouraged, enlightened, and ultimately, empowered.”

“I really liked the fact that I could say ‘I think I will lose a whole pound today’, and then I could actually make it happen, without feeling hungry or deprived.”

– Phyllis

“Now I am able to set goals for myself and have a sense of accomplishment.”

“The workbook and CD’s are invaluable tools for success on the program. They helped me sort through emotional issues that were hindering my ability to stick with a program in the past.”

– Julie

Thanks Julie and Phyllis! We hope you enjoy your prizes, and we take our collective hats off to both of you for your commitment, determination, and character.

Don’t forget to watch the newsletter for the announcement of the January 2011 Diet Boot Camp Challenge! They’ll be some amazing special offers coming your way, and new and revised program materials. If you haven’t participated yet, this will be the time to do it!


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