Have You Taken the "Nutritional Type" Quiz?

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Have You Taken the "Nutritional Type" Quiz?

I want to tell you about something really cool that doesn’t cost a dime.

My friend Glen Depke, a traditional naturopath and one of the most gifted healers I know, developed a “Nutritional ID” quiz that can help you understand what kind of food you do best with. Glen was the chief nutritionist at the famed Mercola Center for many years before branching out on his own and founding Depke Wellness.

Get your free copy of Glen’s Nutritional ID test »

I used a version of the Nutritional ID quiz that Glen developed for me in my book, “The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy”. I think it’s a great starting point for understanding your nutritional “type”.

Many people find, after taking the test,that they understand why, for the first time, they feel lousy on their “healthy” diet. Maybe that healthy diet is great for someone else, but just all wrong for you!

Glen’s making his Nutritional Typing test available absolutely free for my readers:

  1. Click on this link  and you’ll be taken to his “Assessment Page”.
  2. When you get to the drop-down menu under “Document”, just choose “Nutritional ID Assessment”
  3. When you are done filling out the form his terrific quiz will be mailed to you immediately, along with instructions on how to “score” it.

That’s all there is to it!

Full disclosure: After you determine your Nutritional ID, you’ll have the option of buying a specific meal plan designed just for your nutritional “type”, for the very reasonable price of 9.97. He also has some deluxe packages as well. But whether you buy one or not is up to you. (I do recommend them- they’re a great value).

In any case you’ll get a kick out of discovering your nutritional “type” and it’s a great way to get acquainted with Glen.

Get your free copy of Glen’s Nutritional ID test »


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