What Do You Call A Veterinarian Who Can Only Take Care of One Species?

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What Do You Call A Veterinarian Who Can Only Take Care of One Species?

Guest Video-Blog by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz

A physician! Unfortunately, this is no laughing matter, as MD Barbara Natterson-Horowitz has fortunately brought to our attention in this insightful TED Talk—watch short video: http://bit.ly/JBNHTED While Physicians and Veterinarians may serve patients of different species, it turns out that many of same disorders are experienced by both animals and humans. Congestive heart failure, diabetes—even mental disorders—are not unique to human beings. And yet, the means by which Vets and Docs approach these illnesses are completely different—a realm of knowledge that is shockingly isolated between the separate medical fields.


While most scientists would agree that we are “merely mammals,” there is a general understanding that humans are superior—and vastly different than all other species. This consensus, in part, is one reason that animal doctors heal their patients according to practices that many of our physicians have never conceived. Check out this short video, discover the connections, and learn how this physician is working to break through the knowledge-gap and improve the lives of all species of Planet Earth.


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Guest Video-Blog by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Rogue Nutritionist” ™




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