Weight Loss Tips That Work.

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Weight Loss Tips That Work.

By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Nutrition Myth Buster”™

This is Dr. Jonny, and I want to talk to you about weight loss tips that can work with any diet.

For the vast majority of people, eating less food is a good idea; one way is to eat half of what you order at a restaurant; another is to try intermittent fasting- letting a significant amount of time pass between meals.

Try having a salad before a meal. Eat more soup! Its low calorie, high volume & high in nutrients.

As Adele Davis said, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”

Proactive planning works too- writing down what you’re going to eat before the fact.


Watch this short video for more tips that can be used with any eating plan.


I’d love to hear from you – tell me if these tips were helpful!


By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Nutrition Myth Buster”™




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