Lemon Honey Melon Salad with Chevre and Pistachios

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Lemon Honey Melon Salad with Chevre and Pistachios

The following recipe is just for readers of this newsletter, “In Step With Jonny”—it’s from the just-released book, “The Healthiest 15-Minute Recipes on Earth” by myself and my co-author, chef extraordinaire Jeannette Bessinger. Enjoy!

Lemon Honey Melon Salad with Chevre and Pistachios

In my humble opinion, great chefs and great musicians have a lot in common.

Great musicians take the same twelve tones that exist in the Western scales and rearrange them in constantly surprising, novel, interesting ways that ordinary mortals would never think of. Chefs do the same with ingredients. I love honeydew melon (and cantaloupe, too) but never in a million years would I think of pairing it with goat cheese and pistachios. (That’s why Chef Jeannette is the chef and I’m the nutritionist!) What a burst of flavor and texture! Fresh, light, and sweet, this dish is got something for everyone—the sweetness of the melon, the tartness of the cheese, and the crunchiness of the nuts. It’s surprisingly reasonable in calories too, largely because the salad is mostly water by weight. And pistachios- like most nuts- are high in minerals (potassium and phosphorus) as well as being a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat  Note: Get melon at the peak of the summer season so it’s bursting with flavor!

–Dr Jonny

Lemon Honey Melon Salad with Chevre and Pistachios

3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lemon juice

2 tablespoons raw honey

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1/4 cup roasted, salted, shelled pistachio meats

1 ripe cantaloupe or ½ large ripe honey dew melon, unpeeled, seeded, and cut into 4 slices

2 cups ripe strawberries, stemmed and halved

¼ cup chevre

In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, honey, and zest until well-incorporated.

In a sandwich-sized plastic bag, lightly crush the pistachios with a mallet or rolling pin.

Lay out the melon slices and fill with even portions of the strawberry halves. Dot evenly with chevre and drizzle dressing over all, to taste. Top with crushed pistachios.

Yield: 4 servings


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One Comment

  1. Online Coaching Business January 24, 2011 at 2:19 am - Reply

    Wow! I agree, What a burst of flavor and texture!! I think this tastes good.. Thanks for sharing this recipe Dr. Johnny as well as your helpful tips! I love your site btw, looking forward to your future posts!

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