Raw Chocolate Fondue Recipe

Raw Chocolate Fondue Recipe

This raw chocolate fondue recipe is from the book, “The Healthiest Meals on Earth” by myself and my co-author, chef extraordinaire Jeannette Bessinger. Enjoy!

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: None


  • 1 very ripe, soft banana, peeled
  • ¼ cup almond butter
  • ¼ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 2 teaspoons agave nectar (or other sweetener like Xylitol)
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao or high quality cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon, optional
  • ½ teaspoon orange extract, optional
  • ½ teaspoon gourmet salt, optional
  • ½ vanilla bean (open pod and scrape the seeds into the mix), optional
  • 1 teaspoon Grand Marnier, optional
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries, washed, stemmed and halved
  • 2 ripe kiwifruits, peeled and cut into chunks or thick half-rounds
  • 1 mango, peeled and cubed
  • 1 cup fresh cherries, pitted


In a blender, place the banana, almond butter, almond milk, agave nectar (or sweetener of your choice) and cocoa and blend well until the mixture forms a smooth cream. You can serve it as is or add any one of the following optional ingredients and lightly blend or stir in well: Cinnamon, orange extract, salt, vanilla, or Grand Marnier. Scrape the fondue into an attractive serving dish. Arrange the strawberries, kiwi, mango and cherries or any other cubed fruit you like, in bowls with accompanying toothpicks or fondue forks for dipping, and serve.

Your Valentine will love this raw chocolate fondue recipe.

Yield: About 6 servings (makes 1 cup of fondue)


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