Olive Leaf Complex and Hypertension

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Olive Leaf Complex and Hypertension

Hi this is Dr. Jonny and today I want to tell you about a brand new study on olive leaf complex and blood pressure. But first let me tell you a bit about olive leaf complex in general.

You’ve probably heard a million times about how healthy olive oil is, and that’s 100 percent true, but it MAY not be for just the reasons you’ve heard. We’ve all heard about the “healthy” monounsaturated fat- it’s actually called OLEIC ACID—and that’s the principle kind of fat in olive oil. But there are a number of health experts who are beginning to suspect that the benefits of olive oil aren’t really all about the fat. See olives have a host of plant chemicals including tocpherols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, sterols and polyphenols that have been found to be effective against all kinds of microbes. I even wrote a little booklet on it which references a lot of those studies. And some health professionals- me included- are now speculating that the main reason olive oil is so healthy is not necessarily just because of the oil, but because of the olive oil is a DELIVERY system for these incredible olive polyphenols.

So I’ve been a big fan of olive leaf complex for the immune system for a long time. But recent studies- one of which I’m gonna tell you about in a minute—are suggesting that olive leaf complex may have some significant benefits to the heart as well. As many of you know, Dr. Steven Sinatra and I are currently working on a book about heart disease and the whole cholesterol con—don’t get me started on that—and one theory that we’re going to discuss in the book is that microbes, viruses and other infectious agents may be indirectly responsible for a lot of heart disease because these microbes begin the whole inflammatory process.. and inflammation- NOT cholesterol—is the real culprit in heart disease.

So if we can help fight these microbes before they get a foothold in our system, we’d be way ahead of the game, and olive leaf complex may help do just that.

Now let me tell you about this interesting new study which was just published in the journal PHYTOMEDICINE. Researchers took people with stage one hypertension and put them into one of two treatment groups. Now stage one hypertension is when blood pressure is between 140 over 90 to 159 over 99; that’s pretty high. So half these folks got a traditional blood pressure drug- in this case Kaptopril—and the other half got 500 mg a day of an olive leaf complex formula. At the end of the 8 week study both groups had significantly lowered their blood pressure, and- here’s the kicker—there was no difference between the two groups. That means essentially that olive leaf complex performed as well as a standard blood pressure lowering medication.

What’s more there was a significant reduction of triglycerides but ONLY for the olive leaf group! A really nice side benefit, since high triglycerides are an independent risk factor for heart disease.

This is the Olive Leaf Complex I take every single day.

This particular brand of olive leaf complex made by Barlean’s is without question the industry leader. IT comes from trees that have been farmed naturally on virgin land in Australia where the highest quality olive trees in the world grow. It’s cold pressed, has no artificial preservatives, no added sugar and it comes in a fast acting, great tasting liquid. I recommend a capful of it every day.


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  1. Suzanne August 16, 2011 at 5:03 am - Reply

    Is this the same as olive leaf extract? Will it get people off of Zocor and drugs like that?

  2. Rob - @formerfatguy August 16, 2011 at 2:11 pm - Reply

    unfortunately, the very fact that it’s natural and it works will probably put it on the “hit list” and become illegal soon. As I say “if it’s natural and it works, it’ll become illegal”

    I for one, consume a tbsp of Barleans Olive Leaf Extract every single day as well.

  3. TR Hughes August 18, 2011 at 10:28 am - Reply

    Great Information.
    I thought the polyphenol content of olives grown in Catalonia and Andalusian regions of Spain was higher; due to the soil. I’ve been using only olive oil from this region for years.

    So, my question – should I be using olive oil from Australia? – or is the Australian olive trees only for the olive leaf extract?

  4. Laverne August 19, 2011 at 11:26 am - Reply

    Are there harmful side effects. Do you need to have liver tested every so ofter after taking the product?

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