I Was An Out of Shape Drug Addict – Part III

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I Was An Out of Shape Drug Addict – Part III

In Part I of my story I revealed that I used to be an overweight, out of shape, drug addicted jazz musician.

Then in Part II of my story I revealed how I quit all my bad habits and started working out, then later became a personal trainer and a certified nutritionist.

Since then I’ve gained a reputation in the field as “the rogue nutritionist” for my willingness—no, eagerness — to speak truth to power.

The world of health is lousy with bullies—dietitians with out-of-date ideas piously spouting the same old tired stuff they’re taught by the American Dietetic Association.

I hate bullies and delight in taking them down.

I love debating know-nothing doctors who understand no more about nutrition than they do about polo ponies, yet speak solemnly—and pompously—about cholesterol, fat and diet as if they actually knew what they were talking about.

I love exposing dumb ideas as dumb, especially when they’re widely accepted.

I love making burgers out of sacred cows and telling people who are understandably confused and frustrated that they’ve been lied to and misled by most of the so-called “experts” giving advice on health and weight loss.

My weight is the same as it was in 1989.

When I’m at my absolute best, I weigh about 152 pounds. That’s what I eventually weighed in the late ’80s when I first got healthy and fit.

But the thing of it is—and this is important—I haven’t varied from that weight by more than 5 or 6 pounds in over 20 years.

I can show you all the tricks I learned that worked for me, and I’m pretty darn sure they’ll work for you as well.

I can also help you build an arsenal of weapons against all the things that sidetrack you and sabotage your best intentions.

Over time you’ll understand why the diets you’ve tried haven’t worked.

You’ll learn how to turn on your fat burning switch and put your body in fat-burning mode. You’ll learn why blood sugar fluctuations are your worst enemy when it comes to sticking with a plan, and you’ll learn how to control them easily and effortlessly with the right fat-burning foods.

What I’m going to teach you will fly in the face of most of what you’ve learned from conventional sources.

Once you see how well it works, you may never accept conventional wisdom about diet and exercise again.

Let’s get started! »




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