Sandra Gillanders
November 13, 2013 at 1:41 pm - Reply
Hi Dr. Bowden,
What are your thoughts on the new guidelines for statins? My husband was recently prescribed one but we decided to wait until we have our NMR test this Friday. His trigs are 42, his HDL is 87. However his total cholesterol is 267 and his LDL-p is 172 so Dr. ordered script for statins. Didn’t even talk to us, just called into Pharmacy. His assistant gave us report. I would like to hear what your thoughts are on this newest play the BIG PH
is up to now. I heard a Dr. Richman say everyone could benefit from a statin, this is crazy talk.
I want to give you a hug 🙂 Thank you for your video.
I am working towards acquiring the knowledge to educate, I’m gaining experience improving people’s health through being a Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer and I’m learning public speaking skills to engage hundreds of thousands. I aim to do my bit like you are doing yours.
From Melbourne, Australia. Let me know when you’re in the country!! 😀
WHat do I tell my doctor next time when I argue with him about getting me off of the statin drug AND, do I wean myself off of it or “cold turkey” it?
My cholesterol was at about 230 for years and when I reached 60 he said he wanted to see a lower number.
I donot want to be on drugs.
Amazing, informative talk. I’ve heard you speak many times but this one was above and beyond. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for your inspiring lecture
Hi Dr. Bowden,
What are your thoughts on the new guidelines for statins? My husband was recently prescribed one but we decided to wait until we have our NMR test this Friday. His trigs are 42, his HDL is 87. However his total cholesterol is 267 and his LDL-p is 172 so Dr. ordered script for statins. Didn’t even talk to us, just called into Pharmacy. His assistant gave us report. I would like to hear what your thoughts are on this newest play the BIG PH
is up to now. I heard a Dr. Richman say everyone could benefit from a statin, this is crazy talk.
I want to give you a hug 🙂 Thank you for your video.
I am working towards acquiring the knowledge to educate, I’m gaining experience improving people’s health through being a Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer and I’m learning public speaking skills to engage hundreds of thousands. I aim to do my bit like you are doing yours.
From Melbourne, Australia. Let me know when you’re in the country!! 😀
WHat do I tell my doctor next time when I argue with him about getting me off of the statin drug AND, do I wean myself off of it or “cold turkey” it?
My cholesterol was at about 230 for years and when I reached 60 he said he wanted to see a lower number.
I donot want to be on drugs.
Give him a copy of The Great Cholesterol Myth. 🙂
Hi Dr Bowden,
Please comment on the recurring news reports that high fat high protein diet causes cancer. Thanks.