The reason my skin looks good: Annmarie Gianni

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The reason my skin looks good: Annmarie Gianni

Hi everyone,

As a lot of you know, I’m out on the tennis court a couple hours a day, and in Southern California, that requires sunscreen. So recently I began to look into the sunscreens I’ve been using, and realized that most of them are loaded with really toxic chemicals.

Which got me thinking about the stuff we put on our faces and our bodies.

I mean, think about it. The skin absorbs the stuff we put on it—otherwise why would there be testosterone patches?

And if we’re putting chemicals on our face—whether with sunscreen or with skin care products—guess where those chemicals are going to wind up?

Exactly. In our bodies, in our bloodstream, and ultimately in our liver, where they will tax its already over-worked detoxification pathways.

Not a good scenario. And ridiculous, actually, when you think about it. We put so much effort into eating clean food, and then we turn around and slather our faces with toxic creams and moisturizers that can disrupt our endocrine system, screw with our hormones and even damage our DNA.

As my colleague Chris Kresser says, “When it comes to chemicals and toxins… what you put on your skin may be even more important than what you eat!”

Enter Annmarie Gianni Skin Care.

I first met Kevin and Annmarie Gianni when Kevin interviewed me for his podcast about a decade ago. Kevin and Annmarie were kind of like modern day hippies. They were on a quest for great health and spiritual fulfillment, and they wanted to make a difference in the world—you know, all that good stuff. Ultimately, they closed down their t personal training business, sold their house, took off in a big van, and traveled around the country like modern-day medicine hunters, looking to uncover the best health secrets, the best organic food, the best ingredients, and the best places to live.

Annmarie and Kevin noticed that the majority of skin care products were pretty much the chemical equivalent of the standard American junk food diet. Bad, toxic ingredients, chemicals, compounds tested on animals, dubious ingredients… all the usual suspects.

They set out to create a truly unique line of handcrafted products with nontoxic ingredients… and they did.

Now look. I realize I’m a guy, but I’m also pretty metrosexual and I love my products. (Michelle teases me that I take more products on vacation than she has in her entire bathroom—not exactly true, but close.) I’ve used just about every product line you can imagine, including the wildly expensive Perricone line.

And I can tell you that I have never used stuff that feels as good going on, smells as good, and that I look forward to using. It makes my skin look—and feel—amazing. No kidding.

Apparently I’m not alone in loving this stuff. Annmarie Skin Care has been enthusiastically endorsed by almost every one of my colleagues in the health space, from Mark Hyman to JJ Virgin. We all use it, we all love it, and when you try it, you’ll see why. This stuff really works.

And the good news is that Annmarie and her team have put together a trail package where you can try any of 3 special sample kits that include some of their bestselling products. You can choose a sample kit based on your skin type—normal, oily, or dry.

These kits are $10 each AND when you order one you’ll receive a $10.00 off coupon that you can use for a future purchase. Annmarie Skin Care is also offering FREE SHIPPING for these kits—anywhere in the world.

Also, when you get a sample kit today, you’ll get Annmarie’s Skin Detox Guide. This beautifully laid out, in-depth guide will show you how to get clear, bright skin and feel gorgeous from the inside out. You’ll learn how to improve the health and beauty of your mind, body, and skin through food, facial exercises, tapping, affirmations, movement, and more!

This comprehensive, easy-to-read Skin Detox Guide includes a 21-Day Plan with delicious recipes, exercises to boost your mood, affirmations to increase your confidence, and a complete skin care regimen with tips from Annmarie Skin Care’s in-house esthetician so you look and feel your best!

If you order a sample kit today, you’ll get the skin detox guide—free—a $24.95 value.

Get your sample kit and bonuses here.


Dr. Jonny

P.S. Two of the products I’m absolutely crazy about right are the aloe herb cleanser, and the Dead Sea Facial Scrub. You can try both of these as part of the sample kit offer I mentioned above. Check it out!


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