Antioxidants Lower the Risk for Heart Disease!

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Antioxidants Lower the Risk for Heart Disease!

If you read the popular media, you’ve probably gotten the impression that antioxidant supplements don’t “work”.

Don’t believe everything you read in the paper.

While it’s true that certain studies examining single nutrients have sometimes shown disappointing results—like the famous beta-carotene study a few years back—dozens of other studies have shown the profoundly beneficial effect of antioxidants on reducing or preventing the kinds of damage that can contribute to degenerative disease and to aging itself.

And it’s also worth pointing out that a lot of the studies that don’t show “benefit” use the wrong form of a nutrient, or a dose that’s almost guaranteed to be clinically meaningless.

One recent well-done study illustrates the benefits of antioxidant supplements quite well.

Subjects with at least two cardiovascular risk factors were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group one received 2 capsules a day of a supplement containing 500 mg of vitamin C, 200 IUs of vitamin E, 60mg of Coenzyme Q10 and 100 mcg of selenium; Group two received a placebo.

The antioxidant-treated patients exhibited significant increases in a number of measures of heart health (such as the “elasticity” of their arteries.) In addition, the antioxidant group saw a significant decline in their hemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood sugar used to diagnose diabetes) and a significant increase in HDL (“good”) cholesterol. The placebo group had no changes whatsoever.

The study comes on the heels of a presentation at the Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting which found an improvement in insulin resistance among participants who received a diet enriched with antioxidant nutrients. Insulin resistance is a feature of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and is very often associated with a difficulty in losing weight.

Oxidative stress- the damage done to cells, proteins, membranes, genes and the vascular system in general by rogue molecules known as free radicals—has been implicated as a cause in many diseases ranging from cancer and Alzheimer’s to heart disease. There’s even a well-known theory of aging called the “Free Radical Theory of Aging” that states that free radical damage (oxidative stress) is at the root of the aging process. (This theory was first advanced in the 1950’s by Dr. Denham Harman, and is still widely accepted today.)

Antioxidants “quench” these free radicals, helping to prevent or mitigate the damage.

While our bodies make many antioxidants (such as Coenzyme Q10), we don’t make enough to neutralize all the damage.

A two-capsule dose of Twice Daily Multi by Designs for Health contains vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium as well as all the B vitamins and a number of minerals. Taken together with Coenzyme Q10, it will give you a very nice dose of protective antioxidants similar or better than the doses given in the study.

For the month of October, get a two-month supply of Twice Daily Multi (120 capsule size) and Coenzyme Q10 for 15% off when you buy them together! It’s a great way to get terrific antioxidant protection for the price of a Starbucks!

Offer good through Oct. 31!

Order Now


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