Are You Making the 4 Deadly Money Mistakes?

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Are You Making the 4 Deadly Money Mistakes?

Many of you know that I’ve shared the stage a few times with my friend, T. Harv Eker, one of the great motivational speakers of all time and the creator of the incredible “Millionaire Mind” seminar, which was one of the most profound experiences of my life! (Harv is also the NY Times best-selling author of “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”).

I spoke at one of Harv’s events called “Extreme Health” on the subject of Weight Loss—(the complete 70 minute presentation is available on my DVD, “The Truth About Weight Loss”).

What many of you may not know is that in addition to being the “Extreme Health” guy, Harv is also the “Extreme Wealth” guy!

His ground-breaking approach to wealth and financial freedom shares a lot with my approach to weight- he believes much of what stops us in having financial freedom can be found not just in our financial circumstances, but in our ideas and beliefs, just as I believe that much of what stops us from having the health and vitality we want also starts with our ideas and beliefs.

Now, my friend and colleague T. Harv Eker will be doing a live, no cost, Teleseminar called “The 4 Deadly Money Mistakes—How To Stop Killing Your Financial Future”.

I can’t recommend this free teleseminar highly enough. (You’ll be amazed at how many parallels there are between how we manage our money and how we manage our weight!)

Date & Time: Thursday October 28, 6PM Pacific Time
Duration: 50 minutes

You can register for free here

How do you know if this is for you?

Ask yourself these questions…

When it comes to money….which of the following applies?

  • Are you working way too hard with little to show for it?
  • Are you losing ground in your financial battle, maybe going backwards instead of forwards?
  • Do you feel frustrated by your current financial situation?
  • Do you ever feel like you want to give up on the whole idea of wealth and wonder if it’s really worth it?
  • Do you consider yourself a fairly high achiever, but you’re not achieving your financial potential?
  • Have you lost your financial confidence and are you worried about the future?
  • Did you lose money in the markets or real estate and wonder if you’ll ever get it back?
  • Are you afraid that you won’t be able to retire when you planned, or if you do, you won’t be able to live the way you want?
  • Are you doing well financially, but just not happy, and you can’t put your finger on the problem?
  • Are you fed up with the government, big corporations and Wall Street and feeling like their greed is making it harder on you?
  • Are your relationships being negatively affected by your finances?
  • Is your self confidence being negatively affected by your finances?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then chances are you are making one or more of these 4 deadly mistakes.

If you ever want to get rich, if you want be financially free, if you want to stop worrying about money and get it handled once and for all, do whatever it takes to be on this (what many people are calling) “shocking” Teleseminar.

Go ahead and register here


By the end of this Teleseminar you will have finally found the solution you’ve been looking for….the true secret to wealth.

The 4 Deadly Money Mistakes – How to Stop Killing Your Financial Future – Live Teleseminar with T. Harv Eker

Date & Time: Thursday October 28, 6PM Pacific Time
Duration: 50 minutes

Grab your spot here


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