Are Your Hormones Wreaking Havoc on Your Health?

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Are Your Hormones Wreaking Havoc on Your Health?

Today’s message is just for the ladies…

I just got done recording a fantastic interview with female hormone specialist Dr. Anna Cabeca.

She has helped countless women who were suffering with these (and other) hormone-based health problems:

  • Low energy
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiety or Depression
  • Memory problems
  • Weight gain
  • Low sex drive

In 2006 Dr. Anna experienced a very stressful family tragedy that triggered a series of hormone-related health problems:

  • She went into instant menopause at age 39.
  • Her body ballooned to nearly 240 pounds.
  • Every day she was in constant, chronic pain.
  • She couldn’t seem to get out of bed.
  • She cried all the time and I felt hopeless.
  • Her hair started falling out from all the stress!

After scouring the globe for answers she was able to reverse her menopause, conceive and deliver a health baby girl, grow back her hair, and lose all the extra weight!

How did she do it?

By understanding the mind/body connection and the role hormones play in so many aspects of our health

In this “un-censored” interview Dr. Anna and I discuss…

  • Why understanding the body/mind connection is necessary for vital health.
  • The 2 main causes of almost every disease (hint: one of them is… hormones!)
  • Why you MUST pay attention to your hormone symptoms and not mask them with medications.
  • How The Media is distorting your body-image and health expectations.
  • The “happy hormone” that makes you feel great – and how to get more of it in your life.
  • So much more!

Dr. Anna also gives my readers free access to some of her online curriculum about women’s health.

Listen to the Interview

Keep Learning from Dr. Cabeca

  • eBook + webinar Feel Good, Look Good Secrets for the Woman Over 35
  • Couch Talk on 50 Shades of Gray
  • 10 Secrets For Sensual Living Poster
  • 15% coupon for Dr. Cabeca’s vitamin store

Get it all right here »





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