Diet Boot Camp 2011 Winner!

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Diet Boot Camp 2011 Winner!

We are happy to announce the winner of the Summer Diet Boot Camp Challenge, Sharon Johnson!

Sharon had a starting weight of 160 and stated her goals this way:

To drop unhealthy weight and take control of my health by making changes for life. I want Health, Vitality, Mental Clarity & Peace of Mind and the ability to care for myself as I age. Life should be fun, I want some of that!”

This is what Sharon had to say about her experience on the program:

Suddenly it all makes perfect sense, I know what the right foods are for me and exercise is now part of my life. I lost 13 lbs, never ever feel hungry, I have so much energy, no fog, lowered blood pressure, I look and feel good, I am excited about my future! Thank you so much!

Postscript: One month after the challenge ended, Sharon is now down 19 pounds. “I feel so good!” she writes. “Thank you for giving me more than weight loss. I’m looking at a healthier, happier future of renewed energy and health!”

Sharon won not just because of her stunning results, but because she was so supportive and helpful to the other members of the challenge. Her comments and encouragement to the other members as well as her obvious desire to contribute to others helped many others achieve their goals, and allowed her to experience herself as the powerful, wonderful person she is.

Once again, congratulations to Sharon Johnson, and to all the other wonderful people who took part in the challenge, supported one another, and contributed to one another’s growth and success!

I’d also like to thank those who donated prizes: The fabulous Barlean’s Organic Oils, NuNaturals (makers of the best stevia products on the market) and of course Vital Choice, who provided the “Dr. Jonny Introductory Pack” of fabulous wild salmon, blueberries, and other goodies!


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  1. George Karout September 7, 2011 at 3:04 am - Reply

    That is great. This style Iam following since years regularly. Eating a lot of fruits and vegies daily with fish of course No meat nor chicken and doing a lot of exercise daily. I enjoy a very very good health Thanks God Who gave me such great efforts to sustain Congratulations to Sharon and may she keep such life style so she might cross the 100 years easily

  2. kathie September 7, 2011 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    That is great….when is the next challenge?

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