Teri Lunn Wins Diet Boot Camp Winter Challenge!

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Teri Lunn Wins Diet Boot Camp Winter Challenge!

We are happy to announce the winner of the Winter Diet Boot Camp Challenge, Teri Lunn.

This is what Teri had to say about her experience on the program:

My success during DBC has been absolutely amazing to me! I’ve struggled for years to lose weight, trying various programs with little or no success, but with DBC I have made great strides and no longer feel stuck.

Teri’s “win” is even more impressive when you consider what she went through personally during the six weeks: the breakup of a relationship, moving, looking for a job and helping her 89-year-old mother with her health challenges.

I think the comprehensiveness of the DBC program helped bring about some long-needed changes and allowed me to cope more easily than I would have been able to do otherwise” she says.

I absolutely love it and hope to incorporate more and more of the suggested lifestyle changes into my daily life. DBC is amazing! Thank you, Jonny and Ana, for putting together such a wonderful, common sense approach to health, fitness and wellness.

Twice a year, members from the community participate together in our top self-help program, “Diet Boot Camp”. Even though you can totally do Diet Boot Camp on your own, every winter and every summer we get people together to do the six week program at the same time. We share a community message board, listen to weekly guided imagery mp3’s from Anja Christy specially designed for Diet Boot Camp, and generally support one another on the six-week journey.

To add to the fun, we’ve made it a “Challenge”, much like “Biggest Loser” (only better because the life changes are real and lasting!) The winner gets a set of my books as well as a beautiful gift set of award-winning products from Barlean’s Organic Oils, the Dr. Jonny Introductory Pack of wild salmon, blueberries and other incredible foods from Vital Choice, and a terrific gift basket from NuNaturals, whose stevia products are the best in the world.

Once again, congratulations to Teri Lunn, and to all the other wonderful people who took part in the challenge, supported one another, and contributed to one another’s growth and success!


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