Dr. David Agus, are you SERIOUS???

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Dr. David Agus, are you SERIOUS???

I’m very upset. In fact, I’m actually piping hot with Dr. David B Agus‘ recent arguments about vitamins and I want everyone in my community to watch my video response, take it to heart and share it on their own wall to support their family and friends.  This guy claims we should all stop taking #vitamins because they just give you “expensive urine” … ?? What an IDIOT. I am SO sick of these know-it-all doctors. Does the fact that they show up in the urine mean that they did not work on the way down? Sorry Dr. Agus, but that’s just wrong. That’s just bad medicine.

Warmley, Jonny Bowden.


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One Comment

  1. Jyri February 25, 2016 at 10:17 am - Reply

    Isn’t it true that the demographics that typically need to supplement with vitamin X to see a benefit aren’t the ones actually supplementing? For an oversimplification, it is often the rich, educated, healthy and health conscious people that supplement when it is often those under tbe poverty line who cant afford a healthy diet or lifestyle who need vitamin x but maybe don’t have the disposable income or knowledge to.

    Unless you’re over the age of 50 or a picky eater, multivitamin supplements are generally discouraged as per recommendations from every professor I have had in the biochemistry and nutrition departments at my school. But they all do recommend to get a blood panel done and to supplement with the specific vitamins you are deficient in.

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