High Blood Sugar and Memory Loss

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High Blood Sugar and Memory Loss

High blood sugar puts you at risk for memory loss and cognitive problems, according to a new study out of Japan.

In this study, 1017 people in Japan, all under the age of 60, were given an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). In a glucose tolerance test, the person is given a fixed amount of glucose (sugar) and then their blood levels are monitored for several hours so that doctors can track how quickly and efficiently the glucose is “cleared” from their bloodstream. (The test is frequently given as part of a diagnostic workup for diabetes and insulin resistance.)

Based on their glucose tolerance tests, the researchers were able to classify the subjects as diabetic, pre-diabetic, or non-diabetic.

What the researchers found was that even after adjusting for variables like age and sex, the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease, vascular dementia and all-cause dementia were significantly higher in subjects with diabetes. Remember, by definition, diabetics have blood sugar issues and don’t do well on glucose tolerance tests, so this study clearly links blood sugar issues with an increased risk of dementia.

Diabetics in this study had a whopping 74% increased chance of winding up with dementia from any cause whatsoever (“all-cause dementia”).

But here’s what’s interesting. Of the 308 people who started the study with pre-diabetes, a very significant 25% of them ultimately developed dementia. The American Diabetes Association estimates that 79 million people are walking around with pre-diabetes, which is defined as the state that occurs when a person’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.

As many of you may know, cardiologist Steve Sinatra and I are currently at work on a book about heart disease. In reading the copious amount of research on fat, cholesterol, sugar and the heart, it’s become stunningly clear to me that we have been barking up the wrong tree for thirty years by trying to reduce fat in the diet and bring down our cholesterol.

What we should have been looking at is sugar. (You’ll see why when the book comes out.)

But sugar isn’t just a culprit in heart disease. Cancer cells feed on sugar. High glycemic (sugar) diets are implicated in heart disease, diabetes, and nearly any condition in which there’s a lot of inflammation.

This new study adds dementia and cognitive problems to the long and growing list of conditions you don’t want to have that are negatively impacted by a high-sugar diet.


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  1. cab mccann October 4, 2011 at 7:44 am - Reply

    Thanks. You are out in front with the life-saving information on nutrition.

    We need more nutritionists and less allopathic doctors. The numbers should be reversed. Just a few allopaths to put people together when they get in a car accident or need surgery when the nutritionists have given up helping them.

    Otherwise, close down Big Pharma, train nutritionists to know the same things you know. We could shut down most of the hospitals, and the boost to the economy to the trillions of dollars that would be saved would save the country.

    Unfortunately, the training in nutrition in this country is about as bad as the training in all the other branches of health and medicine. A friend of mine went to a nutritionist lately and was given stupid advice and charged a bundle.

  2. Odille Esmonde-Morgan October 4, 2011 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    Why am I not surprised?

  3. T. Sundberg November 14, 2011 at 8:16 pm - Reply

    Iam a 60 ish women who is at risk of diabetes and do not want to
    take medication. I need a complete diet change. Help !!!! I need to know what books or book to get started?
    Is your unlease your thin a plan for eating or a book? I need to lose about 40 lbs. Every time I lose weight it always comes right back
    and more. Please Please Help me??? Thank You,
    Looking forward to being thin and healthy . T Sundberg

  4. What Is Diabetes? | January 6, 2012 at 10:45 pm - Reply

    […] frutas para diabeticos Visit our website alimentos para diabeticos to learn more about diabetes. With diabetes such an epidemic today, it is essential that you know exactly what it is. Why? Well, t…s! In layman terms, "diabetes" is the inability of the body to process sugars properly. When we eat […]

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