Holiday Gift Guide: Healthy Gifts for the Holidays

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Holiday Gift Guide: Healthy Gifts for the Holidays

If you’re stuck for a gift idea for someone on your list who’s really into health, I’ve got a few last minute ideas for you. Any one of these would be a really cool gift, and they’re priced from under 10 bucks to over 500, so you’re sure to find something that’ll work.

Here are some of my top choices:

Bulletproof Coffee Starter Kit: There are all kinds of cool sets at Bulletproof Coffee, but the one I like for people who are new to the whole concept is the Coffee Starter Kit- Brain Octane edition. It’s the original coffee that made Bulletproof famous together with a 16 oz bottle of Dave Aspery’s special Brain Octane Oil, which is 100% caprylic acid, arguably the most useful and versatile of the three MCT fats. This kit is a great way to get started with Bulletproof and see almost immediate results in energy and mental focus. You can get the kit with either ground coffee or whole bean.

Vital Choice Gift Packs: Forget all the usual food pack gifts that come with all those crackers and processed cheeses—how about a gift pack from Vital Choice, the premiere supplier of clean, pure fish from the pristine waters of Alaska? They make all kinds of terrific gift sets, and ship all the frozen filets in dry ice. They also make great non-fish gift packages, like with dark chocolate, organic dried fruits, and all kinds of other goodies. If you’re stuck for which one to go with, try the Dr. Jonny Healthiest Foods Starter Pack.

Trevor Gates Spa Skin Care Travel Kit: Dr. Trevor Gates is one of my favorite people in the industry, and one of the most knowledgeable when it comes to skin care. Her “Spa” line is legendary. It’s a five-day supply of all the essentials in one beautifully designed gift box. This is Michelle’s favorite line, and I actually got her a couple of these travel kits as stocking stuffers.

One—or both—of these books:

1. The New Health Rules: This little masterpiece by Dr. Frank Lipman– an icon of integrative medicine– is hard to find but it’s worth looking for. Last I looked it was on the Amazon Marketplace for under 10 bucks. It’s the book you give people who are confused about nutrition and health and just want to know the basics. It’s absolutely accurate and the best book I’ve ever seen for explaining stuff quickly and fast.

2. A Short Guide to a Happy Life: I try to read this book every few years.. it’s a great manual for living, beautifully written, and you can read it in an hour. Last year I packaged this book together with The New Health Rules and gave it to ten of my favorite people.

Ann Marie Skin Care: This is the skin care line I use. I’ve written about it before—it’s natural, completely non-toxic, cruelty-free, non-GMO, feels amazing going on, and really—really—works. They call it “wildcrafted, organic skin care” and when you try it you’ll understand why. I absolutely love this stuff. Any one of her products or gift sets would make a terrific gift!

Hurom Juicer: It’s pricey but worth it. This is slow juicing at its best. I own the HZ Slow Juicer and I use it virtually every day. If you want to get someone a knockout gift that will keep on giving every single day, you really can’t go wrong with this ultimate slow juicer.

Happy holidays to everyone, and let’s all have a spectacular 2017!


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