Is Garcinia Cambogia The Next Magical Cure For Obesity?

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Is Garcinia Cambogia The Next Magical Cure For Obesity?

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I’ve been back and forth on the use of Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss. My good friend Harry Preuss, MD—who is a professor of medicine at Georgetown University and the president of the American College of Nutrition—published some really good research on garcinia cambogia, particularly in conjunction with chromium, and his study did show that it helped with weight loss. My personal experience has been different..


Garcinia cambogia comes in several forms but the type Dr. Preuss used is called hydroxycitrate, also known as HCA or HCA-SX. I do know that the dose and the form of garcinia cambogia is quite important. Dr. Preuss used a form that’s available commercially as Super CitriMax, and you need to take the equivalent of about 1500 mg of HCA three times a day.


My problem with it is this: while I have great respect for Dr. Preuss and his research, I have personally never come across anyone who has used garcinia cambogia successfully. I’ve even taken it in the past myself, and although that’s very far from a science experiment, my personal experience was ho-hum..,. So if you’re going to give this a try, be sure to use it in exactly the form and dose that was used in the research that showed it worked.


While Garcinia may turn out to have some fat-reducing benefits, it’s very far from a magical cure for obesity. If you want to lose weight, your best option is to stay off the sugar, quit the processed foods, eat more fiber, and exercise.



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