Join Me On A Live Low-Fat Myth-Busting Webinar!

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Join Me On A Live Low-Fat Myth-Busting Webinar!

What’s your most pressing weight-loss question?  What confuses you the most about why you battle weight?  I receive these questions all the time from readers and thought, let’s talk and separate fact from fiction!  So here’s what we’re going to do…

You’re going to be reading a lot about Diet Boot Camp in the next few weeks.   Doors open on January 16th for the winter session.   With 65% of the US  fighting the “battle of the bulge” since the inception of The Food Pyramid, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out we were fed a nutritional bill of goods about low-fat, and no-fat.   If you’ve been battling weight-loss, I can just about promise that you have followed low-fat dieting for many years.

That’s why you’re still battling!  So come join the teleseminar and we’ll talk about that.  There’s myth, lies, misconceptions and then there’s truth.  And now it’s time for truth!

To join this “must hear” teleseminar go here now and enroll.

Send your questions in advance to We’ll cover as many questions as we can in one hour.  Want yours answered?  Hurry up!  Please send it in quickly.


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