It’s Not Aging- It’s the Potato Chips!

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It’s Not Aging- It’s the Potato Chips!

According to a new study that examined data from three of the largest and most comprehensive studies of diet, extra servings of foods like potato chips, French fries, sugar-sweetened drinks (sodas, juices), bread and low-fiber cereals are the major contributors to much of the weight gain experienced by adults as we age.

Others include decreased intakes of vegetables and fruits, less physical activity, a heck of a lot more time in front of the television, and bad sleeping habits.

Sound familiar?

The current research suggests that weight gain is not necessarily an inevitable accompaniment to aging, but can be controlled by the choices we make.

Keep reading…

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Researchers analyzed the massive amount of data generated by three of the longest running studies of diet and health ever undertaken: The Nurses Health Study, the Nurses Health Study ll and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, all out of Harvard University. Together these two studies have looked at the weight, health histories, diet and lifestyle choices of almost 121,000 men and women. The participants were tracked every four years over the course of two decades.

According to the current study, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, participants gained an average of 3.35 pounds over each four-year period, for a total of about 17 pounds over the course of two decades.

The participants who consumed the least healthy foods gained almost four more pounds per four-year period than those who had the best dietary habits.

Two examples: Those who ate one extra serving of chips a day gained 1.7 extra pounds over each 4-year period compared to those who skipped the extra serving. And those who drank a single extra sugar-sweetened beverage per day added one extra pound per four-year period.

This doesn’t sound like a lot till you add it to the “average” amount of weight gain. And who knows how much better off we’d be if we skipped all servings of chips, fries and sodas, rather than just the “extra” portions!

Dariush Mozaffarian, an associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital told USA Today, “You miss the boat if you just try to watch fat or sugar intake”.

Shocking Confessions Of A Drug Company Insider

The plot of this story seems to be ripped from the headlines … or maybe a movie about a big conspiracy or a cover-up of foul play … just like the Oscar award-winning “The Insider.”

But the story is 100% true.

In 2003, a top drug executive… continue reading here »

His point: improve the quality of your diet, and don’t worry so much about things like fat! Some foods that are notoriously high in fat, actually helped prevent weight gain in the study. And I don’t have to tell readers of this newsletter how ridiculous it is to consider something like bagels as a “health” food because it’s “low-fat”!

And—similar to findings from the National Weight Control Registry- exercising regularly was an effective strategy for keeping weight gain at bay.

Mozaffarian also shared with USA Today reporter Nanci Hellmich his take on the ridiculous idea that there are no “good” or “bad” foods. “There are clearly healthy foods and less healthy foods and least healthy foods”, he said.


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  1. Maux October 14, 2011 at 5:31 am - Reply

    BenVia Gold audio was way tooooooo long, the speaker a bit dry. I didn’t have the time to listen to the end, but what this guy is talking about is Chia seed. Good stuff!

  2. Albina October 14, 2011 at 6:19 am - Reply

    Hi Dr. Bowden
    I love your daily newsletter and I love your book, the 100 most natural cures on earth which I’ve been using when trying to help my family and friends get better. I’m 54 years old and would like to go back to school in Holistic Medicine but can only do it online as I need
    to work. Any recommendation in how to get a degree while learning from you in the meantime? Thanks a bunch for all your insights.

  3. Paul DeLeeuw October 14, 2011 at 8:38 am - Reply

    You said, some time ago, that the #1 secret to longevity as we know it now is keeping blood sugar low. Fat does not raise blood sugar, but it makes you gain weight. For some reason livers of fatter people make more sugar (gluconeogenesis).
    So should everyone take Metformin? I’m serious. It not only reduces gluconeogenesis, it reduces sugar absorption, reduces hunger a bit and appears to have an anti-cancer effect.

  4. Renee mclaughlin October 14, 2011 at 1:51 pm - Reply

    Great article all around. So easy to blame age and not look at what we are eating mindlessly through the day. One extra serving of chips or sugar drink adds up to extra poundage. Period. We can hate it and blame age and genetics or we can understand what is really going on and take back control. Salvia is a great addition to the diet. We need super foods now to combat the junk in our environment. Thanks for always seeking the truth Jonny!

  5. Andrew Norris October 19, 2011 at 5:04 am - Reply

    Hi Johnny, hope you are looking into the comment I made. Best, Andrew,

  6. Sharelyn Dietz October 22, 2011 at 6:22 pm - Reply

    These presentations are so long that I give up before your people ever get to the point. I don’t have that kind of time to waste. Just get to the point.

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