Muscle Building Cuts Diabetes

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Muscle Building Cuts Diabetes

Video Summary: Diabetes is a condition where your muscle cells no longer respond to insulin so your body shoves sugar from the blood into your fat cells instead. Exercise increases your muscle cell’s demand for energy so they start paying more attention to insulin. A recent study shows that for every 10% increase in muscle mass to body fat there was an 11% reduction in insulin resistance and a 12% reduction in pre-diabetes. The best way to increase muscle mass is to lift weight; not do hours and hours of cardio.

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  1. Matt@Building Muscle September 6, 2011 at 7:12 pm - Reply

    Now that’s cool! Muscle building can cut diabetes? I never thought of this one, diabetic person’s should use this method then so that they may be healed.

  2. Jake@Does Proactiv Work September 7, 2011 at 11:16 am - Reply

    Good post, didn’t realise that building muscle can also help if you have diabetes, as that study proves. I completely agree, cardio doesn’t do any harm to your muscle-growing efforts but is nowhere near as productive as weight lifting.

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