High Energy Diets and Nutritional Typing – Part II

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High Energy Diets and Nutritional Typing – Part II

Part I contained a quick quiz to determine which nutritional type you are.

If you missed it then go take the quiz here »

Today I am giving you a sample 2-day eating plan for all 3 nutritional types:

  • Protein Type
  • Veggie Type
  • Mixed Type



Day 1


• Turkey sausage

• Omelet w/spinach & feta cheese

• Small handful of raw walnuts + 1/2 of an apple



• Roast beef slices

• Celery sticks w/ whole fat cottage cheese

• Small handful of raw brazil nuts w/ ½ of a pear



• Sirloin burger w/ cheese

• Baby spinach salad w/ sliced avocado, mushroom & olive oil

• Winter squash w/ butter

Day 2


• Steak w/ mushrooms

• Soft boiled or sunny side up egg

• ½ cup oatmeal w/ butter or coconut oil, cinnamon and diced apple



• Whole chicken leg (includes leg & thigh)

• Lightly steamed asparagus w/ hard boiled egg

• Raw carrot sticks dipped in organic ranch dressing



• Wild caught salmon

• Green beans drizzled with olive oil

• Brown rice w/ coconut oil or butter


Day 1


• Grapefruit

• Oatmeal topped w/ plain yogurt, apple & cinnamon



• Organic mixed green salad w/ tomato & cucumber

Dressing of freshly squeezed lemon or apple cider vinegar

• Low-fat organic cottage cheese

• Fresh cantaloupe slices



• Lightly steamed or sautéed zucchini w/ freshly squeezed lemon

• Chicken breast

• Small organic baked potato


Day 2


• 8- 12 oz of veggie juice

• Low-fat plain organic yogurt w/ organic blueberries



• Raw cucumber, green pepper & carrot slices

• Turkey breast slices

• Organic grapes



• Lightly steamed broccoli w/ freshly squeezed lemon

• Baked codfish

• Organic apple



Day 1


• Veggie omelet w/ tomato, spinach & swiss cheese

• Organic plain yogurt w/ fresh organic rasberries



• Roast beef roll ups stuffed w/ cucumber slices, cheese & mustard

• Fresh pineapple w/ cottage cheese



• Baked Tilapia

• Spinach & mushroom salad with dressing of apple cider vinegar & olive oil

• Small handful of raw pumpkin seeds w/ apple


Day 2


• Chicken sausage cooked in butter or coconut oil

• Hard boiled egg w/ sliced tomato

• Fresh grapefruit



• Lettuce Wraps w/ romaine lettuce, turkey breast, ham & cheese

• Apple w/ organic peanut butter



• Pork chop

• Organic mixed greens drizzled w/ olive oil and apple cider vinegar

• Small organic sweet potato w/ skin


Remember, these plans are not set in stone. They’re merely suggested starting points. The idea here is to be more mindful of the effect food has on your mood and energy. If with these plans you’re flying high, then bingo. If they need fine tuning, so be it.

The point here is not to slavishly follow a diet plan but to use your natural inclinations- what Glen would refer to as your “nutritional type”- as a place to start, a place from which to expand and develop your own personal high energy eating plan. With a little experimentation and mindfulness, you’ll soon discover your own personal formula for blasting through any day with optimal energy and well-being.

And remember,  one thing is fairly certain: whatever the proportions of protein fat and carbohydrate you eventually come up with as being ideal for your  type, the less processed carbs on your plate the better. Ideally, the highest energy diet will be comprised of food as close as possible to that which your Paleolithic ancestors could have hunted, fished, gathered or plucked from a tree. That means meat (grass fed or wild game), fish, vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts, with some modern high-tech versions of those staples, like whey protein powder or coconut oil thrown in for good measure.

That’s a prescription for high energy eating if there ever was one.


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One Comment

  1. Janet Black December 10, 2011 at 11:38 am - Reply

    I’ve always done well with low carb diets. I don’t lose weight on a “balanced” diet unless I starve myself. I tried going vegan and gained weight. I’ve just started back on very low carbs to try and get rid of the visceral fat. My abdomen and hips are the same size so it is critical for my health to lose this. I hope this time I can stick with low carb permanently so I don’t gain the weight back.

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