Omega-7 for Inflammation?

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Omega-7 for Inflammation?

I would like to talk to you about the reason why I recently added Omega-7 to my daily supplement regimen.

Inflammation is in the heart of every degenerative disease, promoting heart disease and definitely a component of obesity and weight gain.

Inflammation and weight gain are fellow travelers.

In a clinical trial, they gave people 210 mg of Omega-7 and they found out that it lowered inflammation by an astonishing 44%.

I recommend Barleans Omega-7 “Heart Remedy” supplement; this particular brand is 210 mg in dosage and comes from anchovies.

Watch this short video and discover the benefits of the Omega-7.

By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Nutrition Myth Buster”™


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One Comment

  1. David November 24, 2016 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    I recently got a shock when I got my cholesterol checked. LDL up 37% from 2 years ago. I have been taking a high quality liquid fish oil with EPA=750 and DHA=500. Afer getting the results,my reasearch indicated from several sources that DHA has been shown to increase LDL by up to 16% in patients. So they recommended taking one with high EPA and little to no DHA. I was also taking about 5000mg of Vit. D, which conflicting studies indicated could increase your LDL. For now I am off supplements. . Going to see DR. next week to discuss results. I will likely tell him I am not going on statins. But would like to give it 3 months with changes on my end -off those supplements and a fairly tight low-carb diet. Seems so counter productive. told Omega-3 is good for my heart. Now found DHA may not be at least for LDL.Would like to start on Omega 7 -Barleans but am afraid not to take anything. I know this isn’t medical advice, but do you think I can take the Omega7 heart Remedy without messing up my numbers? Wonder if they tested for impact on the whole lipid profile.

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