Rogue Nutritionist in the Raw

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Rogue Nutritionist in the Raw

In previous blog posts I pointed you to a controversial new documentary titled that included a few brief quotes from me.

Those little snippets are actually excerpts from a 24 minute interview by the producer of the film.

Here is the full unedited version of the interview if you want to see it…


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  1. Carmen December 3, 2013 at 9:14 pm - Reply

    Great information. I forwarded to friends. How can I watch the next episode?

  2. David Griggs March 24, 2014 at 12:18 pm - Reply

    Perhaps you’ve mentioned this long ago, but I’ve yet to come across it. I’m reading through The Great Cholesterol Myth. As it happened about half way into the book I ran out of Simvastatin. Being convinced that this toxin of 23 years was killing me (I had most of the symptoms noted) I did not reorder. As of this writing I’m seven weeks without the drug, and my life is a living hell. I wish I had read though the part about statins being a great anti-inflammatory, because I’ve been inflamed… all joints ache, mild headaches, even what I thought was a heart attack. By and by I got the part about CoQ10, Omega 3, Carnitine, trocoperol gamma and Ribose. For about five days I’ve been taking them and the symptoms do ebb within an hour or so. I wish a warning had been posted early to not make changes until one finishes the book. Now I wonder if I’ve endangered my life.
    –Otherwise, the book is what I’ve been looking for more than 20 years. Thanks

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