Special: Omega-3 Ends Pain From Two Fractured Vertebra – A True Story

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Special: Omega-3 Ends Pain From Two Fractured Vertebra – A True Story

My friend Lois fractured her spine…twice… riding horses in competitions.  For six years, she lived in pain taking anti-inflammatory medication.

Then she discovered Omega-3’s.

As a reader of this newsletter, you know I’m an avid Omega-3 fan.  A high intake of these “wonder molecules” is linked with reduced rates of depression, cardiovascular disease, behavioral, attention problems and disorders, and countless other diseases.

But what many people don’t realize is Omega-3’s relieve pain.

Big time.

And that’s what Lois discovered.

A lifelong equestrian, she broke a total of 8 bones in the course of competing for 40 years.  Visits to neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and various other doctors brought no relief and this statement, “You are aging, and these are just old injuries haunting you.”

Aging at 48?  Hardly.

But when she began taking the right dose of Omega-3’s, pain from those injuries literally disappeared within 30 days.

Why? Because pain is always accompanied by inflammation, and Omega-3’s are among the most anti-inflammatory compounds on the planet.

Why is this such a well-kept secret? Simple.

Because most people don’t take enough of this miraculous supplement to get the effect Lois got.

Fish oil contains two important fatty acids- EPA and DHA. Those fatty acids are like the gold nuggets in a prospector tin—the rest is sand. When you take fish oil, you have to look for the amount of EPA and DHA that’s contained in the capsule or oil. That’s what you care about- the rest isn’t important.

Don’t be fooled by labels that say1,000 milligrams of Omega-3…” check the label for “fillers.”  You only care about the milligrams of EPA and DHA.

Even taking one or two grams of EPA and DHA can be a boon to your health, but if you really want the serious anti-inflammatory benefits (such as pain reduction) they offer, you need a lot more.

That’s why I’m such a big fan of the oil itself. (I take two tablespoons a day, every single day.)

The liquid formulas allow you to get so much more bang for your buck. The only drawback has been that many people just don’t like the taste of fish oil.

Which is why “Omega Swirl” is such an incredible product.

If you’ve put off taking fish oil either because you can’t stand the taste, don’t like to take capsules, or if you have kids who won’t do either, this new product is the answer to your prayers.

I’m not kidding. It’s really that good. I haven’t made up my mind yet whether it tastes more like lemon frosting or lemon pudding, but one thing it does not taste like in any manner shape or form is fish oil!

In the short time it’s been on the market, Omega Swirl has won four major awards:

# Best Product of the Year- Vitamin Retailer magazine

# Best New Product of the Year- Better Nutrition magazine

# Natural Choice Award- Whole Foods magazine

#1 Rated Health Food Store Brand- Consumer Lab

Two teaspoons of Omega Swirl gives you 365 mg each of EPA and DHA, and if you take a tablespoon, you get 485 of each. Two tablespoons- which goes down really smoothly- and you’re up to almost a gram of each of these critically important, anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

That can make a lot of difference when it comes to pain, not to mention brain health and heart health.

Of course, Omega Swirl- great as it is- isn’t the only way to get high dose, high quality fish oil.

If you prefer capsules there’s Barlean’s Ultra EPA-DHA double potency fish oil, pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled and even higher potency than the swirl- you get a whopping 783 mg of EPA and 400 mg of DHA per two soft gel servings; double that and you’re getting more than 2 grams of what are arguably the most fatty acids on the planet.


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