Stress Management Increases Longevity in the Lab

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Stress Management Increases Longevity in the Lab

Guest article from The Economist, April 9, 2011

Telomeres are to chromosomes what plastic caps are to shoelaces- they stop them from fraying at the ends.

Unlike shoelaces, though, chromosomes replicate themselves from time to time as the cells they are in divide. This shortens the telomere, and, after 50-70 such divisions (a number known as the Hayflick limit, after its discoverer), a chromosome can grow no shorter and the cell it is in can divide no more.

That provides a backstop against cancer. The rapidly dividing cells in a tumour soon hit the Hayflick limit and the process is brought to a screeching halt. Which is a good thing.

The bad thing is that reaching the limit is one of the markers of old age. You do not want it happening too quickly, particularly in tissues that have to do a lot of dividing in order to work properly, such as those in the immune system.

It has been known for some time that chronic stress (caring for a child with a protracted illness, for example) causes premature shortening of the telomeres. What has not been clear is whether this is a one-way trip, with each stressful period turning the telomeric ratchet irreversibly.

This week, though, at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Orlando, Florida, a group of researchers led by Edward Nelson of the University of California, showed that it isn’t.

Their research suggests that stress management not only stops telomeres from shortening, it actually promotes their repair.

Dr. Nelson drew this welcome conclusion from a previous study that measured the impact of telephone counseling on women who had been treated for cervical cancer. The study found that such counseling worked, both mentally and physically. Women who had been counseled reported that the quality of their lives had improved, compared with those of a control group who had not been counseled. They also showed improvements in the strength of their immune systems.

Given those benefits, Dr. Nelson wondered if he could find others. So he reexamined the participants’ samples this time looking at the lengths of their telomeres.

What he found surprised him.

Not only did counseling stop telomere shrinkage, it actually promoted telomere growth!

Those women for whom counseling had worked (i.e. those who reported a decrease in emotional stress) had longer telomeres at the end than they did at the beginning!

Their Hayflick countdowns were being reset!

A single such result must, of course, be treated with caution. But another study reported at the meeting, by Elizabeth Blackburn of the University of California, San Francisco (who shared the Nobel prize for the discovery of the enzyme that repairs telomeres), gave some support. Her study showed that exercise has a similar effect to counseling on the telomeres of the stressed.

If Dr. Nelson’s work is successfully replicated, it will shine more light on the ill-understood relationship between the health of the mind and the health of the body.

For, as he points out, nothing actually changed in the lives of the women in question.

They still had cancer, albeit under treatment, and they were still under stress.

Nothing changed—that is—except their attitude.

Dr. Jonny comments: I’ve long maintained that stress makes everything- including diseases- worse. In my book, “The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer”. I call stress one of the “Four Horsemen of Aging”

While stress doesn’t necessarily cause diseases, it makes recovery harder (or impossible), and can exacerbate symptoms and destroy well-being. It can also bring on outbreaks of conditions as wide ranging as herpes and asthma. And stress contributes to inflammation which itself is a major factor in every degenerative disease of aging known to humankind.

In my book, “The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth” I recommended a four minute breathing technique that almost anyone can do. This technique will go a long way towards bringing down stress levels.

You simply sit quietly in a chair or lie on a couch, palms facing upwards, hands and legs uncrossed. Set a timer for four (or five) minutes. Then breathe in deeply on a count of four, hold the breath for the count of four and exhale slowly on the count of four, emptying the lungs completely. Repeat till the timer goes off.

Try to do the four-minute deep breathing exercise several times a day. It’s like hitting the “reset” button on your stress levels.



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One Comment

  1. Michael Latham October 26, 2013 at 7:54 am - Reply

    Managing stress is crucial in preventing health issues from occuring. Although stress is an intrinsic fact of life, through lifestyle adjustments and assistance such as one can create an acceptable balance.

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