The Diet Boot Camp Challenge ll Winner is…

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The Diet Boot Camp Challenge ll Winner is…

I’m really thrilled to announce the winner of the Second Diet Boot Camp Challenge for 2009:

The one and only… Jennifer K from Lake Hiawatha, NJ.

I’m so proud of Jennifer because she embodies the spirit of this program in every way:

  1. She’s participated on every level.
  2. Her commitment hasn’t waived (more on that in a moment).
  3. She’s been a constant source of support and encouragement to her fellow “boot-campers”, always there with a kind and motivating word for anyone who asked.

Besides losing over 21 pounds Jennifer has made some significant changes in other areas of her life. In her own words:

I have been able to take control of my whole life, starting with nutrition & exercise. I’m dealing with things and doing things that I never would have before. I’ve proven to myself that I *can* “stay in the game” and overcome barriers. That in itself is indescribable for me.

When I say her commitment hasn’t waived, I don’t mean she hasn’t had challenges. She’ll be the first to tell you that she has- many of them! But that’s not the point. The point is that she stayed in the game. She didn’t let the little “gremlin” voices disempower her. She “thanked them for sharing” and then went about her business- the business being pushing herself into areas that might have been uncomfortable but that have the potential for producing extraordinary results.

So thank you, Jennifer. For believing in yourself, for sticking with it, and for being a great example of the power of commitment.

If you’re ready to “take control of your life” like Jennifer did then get your hands on Diet Boot Camp »


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One Comment

  1. Jim Hutchison October 28, 2010 at 9:51 am - Reply

    I purchased the book “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth” late May 2010 and read it from start to finish. I started following the concepts of the book on May 23rd with the primary goal of weight loss, plus the need to live a healthier lifestyle. As of today, October 28, 10 I have lost a total of 79.5 pounds! This book has been a life changer for me. I have been able to eliminate my medications for GERD and migraines, lowered my cholesterol and tryglicerides (might be able to eliminate my cholesterol meds), significantly reduced my sleep apnea, eliminated my lower back pain etc… I still have more to loose, started at 298.5 pounds, but am well on my way to a much more enjoyable existence. This book was my savior!

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