Jonny Recommends: The Rock Star Mom!

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Jonny Recommends: The Rock Star Mom!

It’s not often that I recommend websites but I’m going to make an exception for this one.

The Rock Star Mom is a major find. It’s a smart, funny, stylish, informative, edgy site for moms who don’t identify with the typical parenting sites. As the home page says, “You’ve got it going on mama! You’re hip, you’re stylish and you still have a life!”

This is not your mom’s parenting site. It’s visually gorgeous, totally modern, and has terrific information on cooking, parenting, finance, “mom time” and much more.

The creator of the site, Michelle Mosher– a graphics designer by profession- is scarily smart, clever, caring, compassionate, funny and resourceful. A single mom of twin girls, she’s a tough survivor who’s weathered a number of challenges and come out a winner every time. Her blog is self-revealing, cheeky, and filled with practical information and bursting with personality. The info on the site is user-friendly and presented in a visually appealing way.

I think the site is going to be huge- and it deserves to be.

Check it out, I think you’ll love it.

As always,  let me know what you think!


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